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A detail guide about Remy hair extensions

by Admin
Remy hair extensions

Remy human hair extensions are getting popular day by day. The word “Remy” is a French word, which is used to refer to curly hair. Remy hair is taken from the back of the head. If you want to wear Remy hair wigs, then you need to understand the importance of Remy hair. This blog will discuss some important facts about Remy hair.


What is Remy hair?

Remy hair is a hair that is derived from a single donor. Remy hair means that the cuticles of the hair have not been stripped or processed in any way. This hair is considered to be the best hair that you can purchase. Remy hair is capable of withstanding many different conditions and styling methods. Remy hair has been processed in order to be used in hair extensions. A lot of people prefer the remy hair because it is lightweight, durable and has a natural shine. Remy hair extensions are becoming more and more popular with celebrities. Hair extensions are a great way to give your hair a makeover. There are many different types of hair extensions available. Some types of hair extensions are better than others, but they all have one thing in common: they give you the opportunity to look and feel like you have a new hairstyle.


How to tell if hair are remy or not?

Real human hair, whether Remy or non-Remy, is never “processed”. It is not subject to any chemical treatments and is 100% natural. If the hair is labeled as “Remy” but comes in a box, with a kit for you to install, or has any other artificial look to it, it is not human hair. Real human hair, whether Remy or non-Remy, is never “processed”. It is not subject to any chemical treatments and is 100% natural. If the hair is labeled as “Remy” but comes in a box, with a kit for you to install, or has any other artificial look to it, it is not human hair.


Natural hair extensions vs. Synthetic extensions

Remy hair is the best hair for hair extensions because it is the most natural looking according to many beauty and fashion blogs. It is the highest quality human hair and can be worn for years. Remy hair is cut from one donor and has a full cuticle layer running the entire length of the strand. It is shiny, lustrous and soft. Some companies sell synthetic hair and call it Remy hair. This low-grade hair is made with a synthetic fiber that is sprayed with a chemical to look like hair. Synthetic hair is stiff and has a shiny, plastic look to it. The synthetic fiber is heat-resistant, so when it is exposed to heat by styling tools, it will not melt and become limp. It can be dyed any color, but it cannot be curled or styled like real hair. It is a cheaper alternative to natural hair, but you get what you pay for.


How to choose right hair extensions?

Choosing the right hair extensions for you is easy once you have some information about your hair type and texture. If you have very thick hair, you may want to look for hair extensions that have a higher number of grams per pack to ensure that you have enough hair for your desired look. If you have fine hair, try to find hair extensions that have a lower number of grams per pack. When you are looking for hair extensions, you may want to look for a seller that has pictures of the hair extensions on actual people with real hair textures to get an idea of how the hair extensions will look on you.


Cost of hair extensions

If you want to know the cost of remy hair extensions, it will depend on a few things. For example, the type of hair that you want and the length of the hair extensions will affect the price. Most hair extensions sold today are made of synthetic hair, but there is an option to purchase extensions made with real human hair. The type of hair that you decide to get will determine the price. Hair extensions that are made with real human hair are often more expensive than synthetic extensions.


Dyeing hair extensions

It is possible to color your hair extensions but if they are made of a real human hair according to this blog post https://datbeauty.com/dyeing-remy-hair-extensions/ but if you are wearing non Remy hair extensions then unfortunately you can’t dye. The reason is that hair colors are made for natural human hair and the good thing is that Remy hair are made of natural human hair so that’s why you can change the color of your Remy hair according to your desire.



In the end, we can say that hair extensions are quite a useful addition to your life. They can save you time, help you make a good impression, or even just make you look cool. Of course, we don’t recommend getting them too often, or too many, but we do recommend getting them. They are not as bad as a lot of people make them out to be, and they are more useful than you might think.

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